
Dear fellow citizens,


As you know, on the 6 November 2005, I was chosen by the Brossard citizens to assume the function of mayor of the City of Brossard, an honor and a responsibility that I have endorsed with great humility.

Since that day, I fulfilled the mandate given to me by the population, namely to participate in the rebuilding of the “new” City of Brossard, to manage taxpayers’ money with great caution and to ensure that our “forced partnership” in the Longueuil agglomeration would result in an equitable share of the common expenses for Brossard taxpayers.  Thus, with my colleagues Gilbert Lizotte and Antoine Assaf, we have pursued the application of our electoral platform, voted by the members of the Démocratie Brossard Democracy party.

That being said, I must emphasize the fact that an important part of our program was to renegotiate our partnership in the Longueuil agglomeration, so the City of Brossard would regain a more complete autonomy and that the Brossard taxpayers would support a lower contribution for the expenses of the common services provided by the agglomeration.

This is not the case, today, as the independant councillors in Brossard’s city council, who have a majority standing, have chosen to subrogate our city to the city of Longueuil.  Thus, with their “implicit” collaboration with the Longueuil elected officials, our taxes have risen to a great extent since 2005 and the debt supported by our city, under their leadership, has doubled in the last 18 months.  Brossard has never been under such adverse financial conditions in his entire life.

What’s up next ?  Should we “throw the towel” and leave the situation unattended ?  I believe we should not see the past events as a mark of failure and be assured that I, for the remaining period of my mandate, will defend the integrity of Brossard’s territory and use all means at my disposal to lower our financial contribution to the agglomeration of Longueuil.

This has been my mission since I came in office, a mission that I shall pursue in the future.  A mission that I will carry on, with your active support to my actions.

Thank you for your support !
































